Within the game are many commands with which you may control your character. Listed below is a general guide to the most basic of commands. Be sure to read the corresponding help files when on the game.
Informative Commands:
help - Probably the most important command in the game.
who - Who is on the game now. 'help who'
finger - Gives detailed information about a player. 'help finger'
countries - Shows where people are logging in from. 'help countries'
pwho - Shows who all is in a given player's party 'help pwho'
summary - Shows your total summary for this session.
last info - Displays the most recent changes made to the game.
score - Displays all game related information relevant to your character. 'help score'
sc - A brief version of score, which can be toggled to auto report. 'help sc'
Communication Commands:
tell - Sends a message to a player. 'help tell'
say - Sends a message to the room you are in. 'help say'
whisper - Sends a whisper to a player, handy if you are dead. 'help whisper'
newbie - Sends a message to the newbie channel 'help channels'
last - Command to replay the last messages sent to a channel. This command also works with says and tells. Try 'last tell' and 'last say' also.
Preference and Alias Commands:
set - Sets your user preferences. 'help set'
term - Sets your colour preference. 'help term'
command - Creates quick keys. 'help command'
alias - Creates complete aliases for words. 'help alias'
chain - Chain-triggers a spell or skill. 'help chain'
Gameplay Commands:
look - Shows what room you are in. 'help look'
kill - Begins a battle. 'help kill'
get - Takes an item. 'help get' See also put, give, drop.
equip - Wields and wears equipment. 'help equip'
loot - Takes all items from a corpse. 'help loot'
cast - Casts a spell, 'help spellcasting'
use - Uses a skill, 'help skills'
dg - Short for dig grave, disposes of a corpse.
pc - Party Create, see 'help party'
open - Open a door or a container (close also works)
unlock - Unlock a door or a container with key (lock also works)
Character Personalization:
title - Sets your title. 'help title'
surname - Sets your surname (last name). 'help surname'
plan set - Allows you to write a .plan seen in finger. 'help plan'
desc set - Allows you to write a description of yourself. 'help desc'